Rebranding Myself

Hey guys! Long time no see!

I was doing some computer browsing today and ran into this old guy — the WordPress site that I haven’t used in 5 years. FIVE. YEARS.

Where did the time actually go??????

I do want to get back into writing so I was brainstorming ideas. As much as I love traveling, I don’t do it nearly enough to make this a sustainable thing and have you guys follow my awesome travels — however, that is the dream. Share your secrets with me, full time travelers!

The next best thing, I thought, is food. Who doesn’t love to eat? And when I do get to travel, food is almost number 1 in things to experience, right??

WELL, I was thinking I could make a blog about finding the perfect vegetarian friendly option in every city I go to, INCLUDING, Cincy, which is where I am located :).

Maybe some cooking will be involved here as well.

I’ll start this up soon, keep an eye out!